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Learn more about the Rohingya!

Some great sources on the history of the Rohingya!

  • Bari, Muhammad Abdul. The Rohingya Crisis: A People Facing Extinction. (2018).

  • Omar Rana, Similar Trails: A Comparison of the Legalized Discrimination of Indigenous Communities Paralleling the Rohingya of Myanmar and the Native Americans of the United States, 20 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 175 (2019)

  • An overview of the Rohingya by the Council on Foreign Relations

  • UN Human Rights Council: Report of the independent international fact-finding mission on Myanmar

  • Overview of repatriation by the Harvard Kennedy School Review

  • New York Times interviews with the Rohingya (content warning: assault, violence)

  • International Rescue Committee Crisis Watch

  • UN Refugee Agency Data Portal

  • The Yaqeen Institute 


  • Overview by NPR

  • Study by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

  • NPR Podcast on how Rohingya are responding to the pandemic

Amazing organizations working with the Rohingya!

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